Media Appearances
Online, print, radio, and TV interviews and references to my work.
BBC Sounds
I appeared on Episode 4 of the BBC Sounds podcast series Sacred Money, talking to host and producer Taqwa Sadiq about the “charity stone” (sadaka taşı) tradition in Turkey.
This Week in Turkey
I spoke with journalist Şirin Erensoy on the Medyascope TV program "This Week in Turkey" about the seventh anniversary of the Gezi Park protests and the Black Lives Matter demonstrations in the US and globally.
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Comment on news and current events
In February 2023, I spoke live to CBC News Network in Toronto about the devastating earthquake that had occurred earlier that day in southeastern Turkey.
In July 2016, I spoke live to CBS News about the coup attempt then underway in Turkey.
When Turkey banned Twitter in 2014, I spoke to VICE's Motherboard site about how Turks were getting around the block.
During the Gezi Park protests in summer 2013, I did a live call-in to CTV News Channel in Toronto with an update on the situation in Istanbul.
I was quoted about travel advice for Istanbul in the Washington Post article “The best times to visit the world’s most popular destinations,” which was also republished by The Vancouver Sun and Yahoo! News.
I've been interviewed by Green Prophet about environmental issues in Turkey and by The Brink of Something Else about expat life in Istanbul.
The Turkish newspaper Milliyet quoted extensively from an account I wrote on my personal blog about an organized attack on a group of art galleries in Istanbul's Tophane neighborhood.
My writing for has been cited by World Hum, EurasiaNet, and the Istanbul Calling blog.